Sunday, December 9, 2007

Audio "Slidecast" version

Finally, after a lot more work than I expected, here is an audio slideshow version of this presentation. I've posted it over at, and have used their service to create a "slidecast," which is accomplished by creating an audio mp3 file and then syncing it to the slides with their online syncing system. Due to the length and complexity of my presentation, this was A LOT of work! Still, it's very nice to have the presentation in somewhat of a final form. Any comments on it would be most appreciated.

Oh, one more thing: If you wish to view the slideshow fullscreen, just click on the "view" link below. Doing so will take you to the website, where you can then click on the "full" link in the lower right of the slide screen.

UPDATE (August 5th, 2008): I'm happy to report that my first ever slidecast has, to date, been viewed 3,862 times! I've also gotten some very kind feedback and several bloggers have embedded it into their sites. This is all very exciting to me and speaks well of this Slideshare service. It's a great feeling (and rather adictive, I may add!) to know that people value your efforts. This must be what a student feels like after receiving praise from their teacher! Something teachers shouldn't forget! :-)


Don Worthley said...

Wow, I can tell this must have taken hours and hours of time to put together. It is very well organized and helps to present the concepts and ideas related to Web 2.0 in a way that's easy for anyone to understand.

I wonder if a tool like Camtasia Studio would make the process of creating a slidecast easier for you? I purchased it a few months back and have used it to create a few technical screencasts. I've found the learning curve to be small. Of course, I haven't experimented with adding wonderful background sounds as you did.

A big thanks for your efforts making this slidecast. Again, very well done.

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing presentation. I just discovered you in a slideshare group-I am thrilled that I did! Great work. I am excited to learn more!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Don and Angela for your very kind feedback. I really appreciate it!